Clsfd Brand Experience
#Brand design #Graphic design #Web #Print
Adobe Illustrator, Webflow, Typeform, HTML & CSS
library_books Background
During my final year at Harvard, I chose to complete a senior thesis which took the form of a conceptual brand called "Clsfd". For this project, I created a detailed brand guide, website, merch concepts, and a customer journey outline.

My thesis work received a grade of Summa Cum Laude from Harvard University's department of Art, Film, and Visual Studies.

An excerpt from my thesis statement:

"Clsfd (pronounced as “classified”) as a brand is itself an experiment in using information as currency. As consumers expand their digital footprint and create online personas, brands use that data to tailor their customer experiences. With the promise of a mysterious, limited-edition product in exchange for answers to a short survey, Clsfd is an exploration of the dynamics between brand and consumer."